14 June, 2024

The Innovation and Professionalism of Coffetek Honored at the Vendies Awards

The jury awarded the Best Innovation in Coffee Machines of the Year to the Vitro X5 coffee esspresso machine, which features MIA technology. This versatile machine stands out for offering a wide range of hot or cold drinks with fresh milk, from cappuccinos to latte macchiatos, with silky and consistent foam, even using plant-based milks. It also provides the possibility to serve espresso, filtered coffee, and decaf from a single machine. Designed to meet high coffee demands, it helps operators and roasters meet all their customers’ expectations with just one machine. In 2023, the Vitro series was honored with the prestigious New York Product Design Awards in the office equipment category.

Moreover, the magazine awards achievements and innovative advancements within the sector by recognizing professionals who have made notable contributions through exceptional performance and work. Stuart Neal, a veteran with over 20 years at Coffetek, received the Best Area Manager of the Year award in recognition of his unwavering commitment and exceptional service. Additionally, Matt Tovey, Service Engineer at Coffetek, along with the Customer Service team, were commended for their contributions, reflecting the collective effort and dedication of the entire organization.

For Juanje Alberdi, CEO of Azkoyen Group, “the awards received at the Vendies Awards are a recognition of our commitment to continuous innovation and talent, with people at the heart of our organization. They encourage us to constantly improve our products and services to offer users an exceptional consumption experience in their daily lives. Furthermore, they reinforce the international character of our group; as an example, in 2023, the United Kingdom accounted for more than 12% of the total turnover,” he says.